One of the biggest mistakes I made when I started my first business was overlooking the importance of financial management. I had no idea how to do business accounting or even manage my inventory properly. At tax time, I was in way over my head. I spent a long time working with a business accountant to understand the basics and explore the details of the process so that I could manage my own books through the year. That's when I published this blog. I hope the information here will help others like me who don't have the financial edge but still want to run their own business.


Hiring Temporary Workers For Your Construction Company: Three Things To Consider

31 March 2017
Business, Blog

If your construction company lands a large contract, you may find yourself in need of temporary construction workers to meet your project deadline. Hiring trustworthy, skilled workers is critical for the success of your project, so you'll want to take care when hiring these new temporary employees. Here are some things to take into consideration as you look to expand your staff for your upcoming project. Use A Temp Service
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Three Ways To Revive A Sluggish Workforce

31 March 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

If your business is chugging along but not making any great strides, this could keep your company stagnant for a long time. This could mean fewer profits coming in than projected, plus fewer projects that your workers are able to put passion into. All of this makes for a company that is not striving in the way that it should. Here are three things that you can do in order to get your employees motivated and feeling energetic about the business again.
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Dangerous, Deadly Radon ~ What Every Homeowner Needs To Know

31 March 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

When you think of deadly gases that can be present in homes at toxic levels, you likely think of natural gas and carbon monoxide. Both of these gases can wreak havoc and cause death in a short amount of time. Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that can also have deadly consequences if it is not detected and mitigated in a timely manner. The most extreme consequence is that it can cause lung cancer.
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Tips To Provide Your Bakery And Employees With A Professional And Appealing Appearance

31 March 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you are going to be opening a bakery in the near future and would like your staff members and establishment to exude a professional and appealing appearance, consider trying each of the following tips. As a result, individuals may be impressed with what they see when they stop by your business and many of them may become loyal customers. Purchase Or Rent Uniforms Set up a meeting with the owners of several clothing suppliers to discuss the type of attire that you are interested in purchasing or renting.
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3 Reason Your Small Business Needs to Consider Work Flow Automation Software

31 March 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you are running a small business, then it is important to go ahead and get work flow automation software. This software is not just something that large corporations with many employees use. It's useful to streamline business practices, reduce employee busy work, and generally improve the overall efficiency of your business. Even if you run a family business that has operated without much updated office solutions based software, it's time to change that.
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About Me
Number Needs: Small Business Accounting Basics

One of the biggest mistakes I made when I started my first business was overlooking the importance of financial management. I had no idea how to do business accounting or even manage my inventory properly. At tax time, I was in way over my head. I spent a long time working with a business accountant to understand the basics and explore the details of the process so that I could manage my own books through the year. That's when I published this blog. I hope the information here will help others like me who don't have the financial edge but still want to run their own business.
